Equation Mastery
Mastering Equations is the true measure of progress through BlueStreak Math. Students begin mastering equations as early as the initial pretest. There are 66 math equations in each level; if a student scores 100% in less than 4 minutes on a pre or post test, they have proven mastery of that level. If a student scores less than 100%, any equations that were correct will be considered mastered.
Mastery is answering a fact correctly 7 times in less than 10 seconds. Students can expedite this process by answering equations in under 3 seconds or 1.5 seconds (earning 2/7 and 3/7 mastery for the fact).
When a student masters all 66 equations in a level, they will receive a posttest. It will require 100%, in less than 4 minutes, to pass to the next level. Any incorrect problems will become unmastered and the student will continue practicing, eventually arriving at the posttest again.
Sprints are the basic building blocks of BlueStreak Math. A Sprint is a Test, Game round, or Learning Card round. Sprints account for a student's time statistics.
Arcade Sprints are special sprints that do not progress the student through the game. An Arcade Sprint will be provided if a student has mastered an operation, but decides to go back to that operation and practice. An Arcade Sprint will be given to a student instead of a pretest or posttest sprint if they are playing outside of school hours. Arcade Sprints contains equations that have already been mastered.
Arcade Sprints will contribute towards time statistics.
Time Spent
Refers to time spent during Tests, Learning Cards, Game Sprints and Arcade Mode count towards this statistic. Time spent on the Dashboard, Store or Game Lobbies is not accounted for in this statistic.
Although Arcade Sprints do not attribute to problem mastery, they do attribute to Time Spent.
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