When a user is removed, we hold onto their account and its data for 90 days. During this period, the account and its data can be restored from its archived state.
If the user's account is managed through Clever, then unarchiving can only be done by re-adding that user to the clever data that is shared with BlueStreak Math, at which point their account will be restored during the nightly Clever sync.
If the user's account is not managed through Clever, then the user can be restored manually.
If you are a school administrator or district administrator, you can follow these steps - if you are a teacher, proceed to the next section.
As a school administrator or district administrator
1. Go to web.bluestreakmath.com/system/users
2. From the filters, select the "archived users" checkbox:
3. Search for the user in question, and then select the "restore" icon:
As a teacher
Coming soon - currently teachers cannot unarchive their students. However, this will be released shortly and the page will be updated when it is.
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