Teacher Experience
Question & Answer
1) Why BlueStreak Math?
BlueStreak Math provides rigorous foundational content in an adaptive real-time, multi-player gaming environment with thousands of fluency lessons students build the capacity for higher-level mathematics through continuous motivation, coaching and feedback. BlueStreak offers real-time multiplayer experience and is the most non-educational looking educational solution ever. The adaptive engine differentiates for each student, customizing a personalized learning path. Immediate and ongoing assessment feedback loops in the pre/post tests, an integrated math gaming component, and a Heat Map allows students to set goals and track their own progress.
2) Is BlueStreak Math a core or supplemental resource?
BlueStreak Math is a supplemental resource that supports the core math curriculum.
3) Is BlueStreak Math to be used as an intervention?
Yes, BlueStreak Math is an intervention for students
4) What is the recommended amount of time for BlueStreak Math?
The recommended time is a minimum of 15 minutes daily.
5) Can the students access BlueStreak Math from home?
Yes, the student can begin where they left off in school and continue learning and gaming with their classmates and other students that are accessing BlueStreak Math across the US.
6) How does BlueStreak Math support equity for all students?
BlueStreak Math is available in English and Spanish within the digital solution and the Strategy Logs. tThe Adaptive Engine automatically differentiates, based on the Pre-Assessment results, for each student. Although the content is differentiated for each student, in the multiplayer games, the students are still gaming together. In addition, ALL students have access to the same Leaderboards and Store allowing for the same opportunities for ALL students.
7) Is BlueStreak Math compatible with Clever?
Yes, BlueStreak Math provides auto-rostering and single sign on(SSO) via Clever.
8) Do the students and teachers need passwords for BlueStreak Math?
No, students and teachers will access BlueStreak Math via the Clever portal.
9) Will SpEd teachers be able to access the students assigned to them?
The rosters in BlueStreak Math mirror the rosters in the district's student information system; this integration is done via Clever. If you are able to access the students in the format you wish currently in your student information system you would also be able to do so in BlueStreak Math.
10) How does BlueStreak correlate with NWEA MAP?
BlueStreak Math is aligned with Common Core Math Standards. There is a 97% alignment of NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (Map) to Common Core State Standards.
11) Do students need headphones?
It is recommended that students use headphones.
12) What is the assessment process within BlueStreak Math?
Each student has the same entry point in BlueStreak, the pre-assessment for Addition equations 0-6. Students are presented 24 equations within each fact table for the pre-assessment and 24 different equations for the post- assessment. Mastery occurs when the student completes the assessment in less than 4 minutes (10 seconds an equation) and answers each equation correctly, 100%. BlueStreak Math is differentiated for each student, if a student masters the assessment, they are automatically presented the next assessment. If a student receives less than 100% and/or in more than 4 minutes they will work/ game within that level until master occurs and the assessment is represented.
13) Are the Learning Cards the equations that are not mastered?
Yes, the students are provided with the Learning Cards that they did not master. The students will be presented with no more than two Learning Cards at a time. Once they have completed the Learning Cards they will practice the equations in the Learning Games sprinkled in with equations that they have already mastered. Once they master an equation a new Learning Card will be presented.
14) What data sets should I review and how can the data be used to support instructional decisions?
There are three primary data sets that support instruction: System Overview page, Class Roster and the Progress Monitoring Report.
Systems Overview Page
The Systems Overview Page outlines the following:
- Distribution of students that have mastered each table. Continuous review for goal setting. Ex. 75% of students will master Addition Level I by December 31st.
- Time and growth statistics for your class. Continuous review to ensure that students are using BlueStreak Math with fidelity (minimum of 15 minutes daily) and that students are mastering equations.
- Breakdown of analytics per table for pre and post assessments by level.
Class Roster
The Class Roster provides a real-time grouping report for students at each level in BlueStreak Math. The “Progress” option sorts students in real time according to their level in BlueStreak Math. This data is used for small group instruction.
Progress Monitoring Report
The Progress Monitoring Report, PMR, (previously the Individual Intervention Report) will display this information in real time. The goal is for students to master a minimum of 4 equations weekly. This report displays how many equations are mastered each week.
The video "tracking progress" outlines how to access this report. The report may be downloaded for the complete class by clicking on "Export PMR".
15) Can the post assessments be deactivated?
The post assessments cannot be deactivated. The pre and post assessments provide the percentage of student growth in each BlueStreak Math level.
16) Why are all students required to start in addition?
The entry point for each student is Addition Level I. Fluent students can master each level in less than 4 minutes. If a student does not master a level the students are provided deliberate practice with the equations that they did not master. This identifies the gaps in the students' learning. Teachers and students can view the specific equations that need to be mastered prior to the post assessment being presented.
17) Can students return to any previous module for practice once they've progressed past it?
Yes, students can revisit the levels that they have mastered. These are identified as Arcade Sprints.
Student Experience
1. Are there videos that teach the learning games?
The link below provides a video tutorial for the student experience
Getting Started: Student Overview
2. Are there videos that provide an overview of the student experience?
The links below provide video tutorials for the learning games
3. Is there audio for the student to read the equations during the assessments or learning games?
There is not a way to have the equations read to the students during the pretest or game mode. In the teaching component, which is the learning cards, the equations are read to them and they are taught through the researched based process of "See it, hear it, say it, type it and solve it."
4. When the students login to BlueStreak Math will the introduction music be on?
Yes, students will need to turn down the volume on their device.
5. Can students track their progress with BlueStreak?
Yes, each student can view their progress on their Progress Menu. Students can view specific equations that have been Mastered (yellow), Semi-Mastered (light blue) and not yet presented (dark blue). Students also can view pre and post assessment scores and time spent.
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